4 Essential Items to Help You Become a Better Archer

According to a survey by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 101.6 million Americans (40% of the population) participated in hunting, fishing, and similar wildlife activities throughout 2016. 

Bowhunting has existed for centuries but has increased in popularity in recent years thanks to some innovative new training equipment, allowing anyone to practice their archery skills from the comfort of their own homes. 

If you're ready to start working on your craft and become the best archer you can possibly be, you need to start acquiring all the necessary training equipment for archery. Here are all the items you will need:

  • Archery training device -- With archery training devices, you can now work on your pullback, your accuracy, and your comfort in enclosed spaces and without ever firing an arrow. This innovative tool can even help you work on strengthening your archery muscles, as well.
  • Archery training app -- Again, archery has been around for centuries, but a lot has changed. Thanks to today's technological advancements, archery apps exist and truly help when it comes to improvement. You can now hook up your archery training bow to a smartphone app and keep track of all your statistics, allowing you to get better and better after each training session.
  • iPhone bow mount -- In order to utilize these innovative devices and apps, you'll need a mount for your phone. Thankfully, there are high-quality iPhone bow mounts available that easily equip your phone to your training bow.
  • Outdoor targets -- Though you should spend plenty of time training with your archery training device, you still need to work on your accuracy by shooting arrows at a target. Going to a range is great but not always practical. If you have a large enough area in your backyard and it’s safe to hang up a few targets, go for it and practice your actual shot. Keep in mind, you shouldn’t overdo yourself during your training, whether you’re shooting a real bow or practicing with a bow trainer.
If you want to learn more about improving your archery skills or find a high-quality iPhone bow mount and other archery training equipment, give AccuBow a call right away.